Thursday, December 19, 2019

Stress And Space Counterspress - 841 Words

Countermeasures The research ratings for risk of hostile behavioral conditions and psychiatric disorders has been determined to be â€Å"Controlled† for the ISS and lunar missions, â€Å"Acceptable† for near-Earth asteroid missions, and â€Å"Unacceptable† for the Mars design reference mission. Improvements that have been successfully executed for International Space Station (ISS) operations include: working with ground control concerning scheduling, support services from operational psychology personnel, multiple layers of accountability when conducting critical tasks, and education for ground crews (Kahn et al., 2014). Techniques that are currently in place to monitor the crew’s behavioral health and provide support socially and psychologically have†¦show more content†¦Journals are a safe place to vent frustrations and help researchers to study behavioral issues and other things that are on the minds of crewmembers who are living and working in isolation and c onfinement (Gushanas, 2016; Stuster, 2017). These methods and technologies will help prepare for longer, farther exploration missions Summary Analysis Behavioral health and human interaction is a major challenge in exploration missions by humans and to the success of missions that involve significant increases in time and distance traveled beyond Earth’s orbit. However, the current available data is still insufficient to make an objective evaluation or plan about the behavioral health issues that are likely to occur. Even though the data from natural analog environments and simulations are helpful, there is still a need for information on observations from research in extreme natural and simulated terrestrial environments, as well as sites like the International Space Station. Analyzing the information contained in journal entries, concerning behavior, can be used as studies as quantifiable data on the importance of the many behavioral issues in long-duration space exploration and help to propose procedures and equipment to help the performance throughout operations and

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